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Crypto Bingo

5 ways to earn free crypto-currencies - and what you need to do before collecting them

Free money is not new and many people do not hesitate to take advantage of it. However, they sometimes forget to share their good tips, which is why I am listing these 5 methods.

Whether you already have crypto or not, these 5 ways can help you earn some, but you need to know exactly how it works before you start.

Before you start

Look critically at any opportunity to earn cryptos before participating.

participate. Many of the legitimate ways to earn "free" crypto require at least some initial work, such as taking lessons on Coinbase or browsing with Brave. Promises of free cryptos can be used by scammers. Never accept an unsolicited offer and do your own research before taking part.

1/ Using the Brave Navigator

After downloading the Brave browser, activate Brave ads. You can start earning BATs by watching ads and surfing the web. Brave is based on Chromium, like many other browsers. It supports similar extensions and is easy to download on Windows and Mac. Users can also download Brave to their Android device for fast browsing. Download Brave here

2/ Registration and recommendation bonuses

Certaines plateformes offrent des primes d'inscription et/ou de parrainage pour l'utilisation de leurs services.

On SwissBorg a ticket worth between €1 and €100 in CHSB for the sponsor and the referred person when the latter makes a first deposit worth at least €50

On Coinbase invite friends (or not) to join the platform and you will both receive €8.54 in bitcoins for free when they buy or sell their first €85.42 on Coinbase!

Last example with Celsius offers you and your referral $50 in Bitcoin for a $400 deposit.

Be sure to pay attention to the conditions of these bonuses. They often have requirements or may ask you to perform other actions to claim these rewards.

3/ Learning on Coinbase

L'une des plus populaire plateforme de crypto-monnaies Coinbase offre des récompenses pour apprendre.

Pour ce faire, vous devrez regarder les vidéos de Coinbase, répondre à des quiz, puis Coinbase déposera une petite quantité de crypto dans votre portefeuille. Le contenu est généralement axé sur un altcoin spécifique et, par conséquent, ce sont les Coins que vous gagnerez en suivant les leçons.

Vous pouvez convertir ces Alt Coins moins en Bitcoin ou Ethereum une fois que vous les avez gagnées.

You will need to have a funded Coinbase account, live in an eligible country and verify all your personal information to start earning your cryptocurrencies.

4/ Yield Farming

Some platforms allow you to earn interest on your deposits. Celsius, Binance or SwissBorg for example, have Yield Farming programmes, which generate variable interest according to their own criteria. Do your research before making your choice. I suggest that you diversify your deposits on several platforms.

Vous pourrez trouver des informations concernant SwissBorg et Celsius de précédents articles du blog.

5/ Giveaways et Airdrops

Giveaways usually take place on social networks, not necessarily organised by companies but sometimes by ordinary users who use them to develop their community by inviting them to follow them. All you have to do is follow the rules set out in the post to enter the draw.

Be careful because some of them are organised but sometimes the draw never takes place.

Airdrops are more risky. Developers conduct airdrops when they want to gain traction for their new crypto-currency. In other words, they hand out coins in an attempt to gain traction.

When airdrops take place, they are often advertised on social networks and some crypto-currency news sites. If you meet the requirements, the organisers often send the specified amount of coins directly to your wallet address.

It is important to be careful with any new crypto-currency project. Fake airdrops and are common scams used by hackers.


There are other ways to earn crypto-currencies for free, so don't let the temptation of freebies force your hand and remember that crypto-currencies are new and highly volatile investments, and you should only invest what you are willing to lose.

Stay Tuned

Crypto Bubulle

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